Liberty ya está aceptando solicitudes para el Programa de Beneficio de Emergencia de Banda Ancha de la FCC

Liberty ya está aceptando solicitudes para el Programa de Beneficio de Emergencia de Banda Ancha de la FCC

La plataforma para someter solicitudes para el programa EBB ya está disponible.

San Juan, Puerto Rico – Comenzando hoy, Liberty Puerto Rico aceptará solicitudes para el Programa de Beneficio de Emergencia de Banda Ancha de la Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC por sus siglas en inglés). El programa ofrece una ayuda temporera establecida por la FCC para proveer un descuento mensual de $50 en los servicios de internet de banda ancha, además de servicios de telefonía si está combinado con internet. 

“Nuestra plataforma para someter solicitudes esta lista y disponible para todos los clientes que deseen solicitar”, dijo Naji Khoury, presidente y principal oficial ejecutivo de Liberty Puerto Rico. “Ya que hay muchos clientes que aún están pasando por dificultades económicas sentimos que es bien importante para nosotros el dar el paso adelante y ofrecer este programa para que ellos puedan tener acceso ininterrumpido al internet”.

El Programa de Beneficio de Emergencia de Banda Ancha (EBB por sus siglas en inglés) cubre a hogares elegibles que tienen por lo menos a un miembro que cualifica para por lo menos uno de los siguientes criterios: es un beneficiario del Programa Lifeline; tiene un ingreso familiar equivalente a o está por debajo del límite federal de pobreza de 135 por ciento; participa en el programa de almuerzos escolares gratuitos o de precio reducido, el programa de desayuno escolar o a través de la Disposición de Elegibilidad Comunitaria de la USDA durante el año escolar 2019-20 o el 2020-21; ha experimentado una baja sustancial en ingresos por pérdida de trabajo o por suspensión documentada desde el 29 de febrero de 2020 y tuvo un ingreso total en su hogar de $99,000 o menos para un contribuyente soltero y de $198,000 para contribuyentes en conjunto en el 2020; ha recibido la beca federal Pell durante el año en curso o ha cualificado para el Programa de Alivio del COVID-19 o un programa de ingresos bajos por un proveedor participante, sujeto a la aprobación de la FCC del procedimiento de elegibilidad de ese proveedor. Para información general sobre el programa, los consumidores pueden entrar a

Los consumidores primero deben pedir su elegibilidad en el Programa de EBB radicando una solicitud a través del portal y entrar a la sección “Apply”. Una vez completen los pasos de verificación, necesitan guardar la imagen de aprobación porque se les requerirá para que puedan pedir el beneficio con Liberty Puerto Rico. Una vez han obtenido el documento de elegibilidad, ellos pueden pedir que se aplique el descuento a los planes elegibles de Liberty Puerto Rico. Para hacer esto, necesitan completar la solicitud que ya está disponible en, donde encontrarán toda la información necesaria y el procedimiento paso a paso.

Liberty is now accepting applications for the FCC’s Emergency Broadband Benefit Program

The platform to submit applications for EBB program is available.

San Juan, Puerto Rico – Starting today, Liberty Puerto Rico will accept applications for the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The program offers a temporary aid established by the FCC to provide a monthly discount of up to $50 on broadband, as well as telephony services if bundled with internet.

“Our platform to submit applications is ready and available for all consumers who wish to apply,” said Naji Khoury, president and CEO of Liberty Puerto Rico. “Because there are many customers that are still dealing with financial difficulties, we feel it’s very important for us to step up and offer this program so they can have uninterrupted internet access.”

The EBB program covers eligible homes that have at least one member who qualifies for at least one of these criteria: is a Lifeline program beneficiary; has a family income equal to or below the 135 percent federal poverty limit; participates in the free or reduced-price school lunch program, the school breakfast program, or through the USDA’s Community Eligibility Provision during the 2019-20 or 2020-21 school year; has experienced a substantial income loss due to job loss or furlough documented from February 29, 2020 and had a total home  income of $99,000 or less for single taxpayers and $198,000 for joint taxpayers in 2020; has received the Federal Pell Grant during the current year, or has qualified for the COVID-19 Relief Program or a low-income program from a participating provider, subject to FCC approval of that provider’s eligibility procedure. For general information about the program, consumers can visit

Consumers must first request eligibility in the EBB program by applying through the portal and go to the Apply section.  Once they complete the verification steps, they need to save the approval image because it will be required to request the benefit with Liberty Puerto Rico.  Once consumers have obtained the eligibility document, they can ask to apply the discount to eligible Liberty Puerto Rico plans. To do this, they need to complete the form now available at, where they will find all necessary information and step-by-step process. 

About Liberty Communications of Puerto Rico LLC:

Liberty Communications of Puerto Rico, a subsidiary of Liberty Latin America, is the leading integrated communications and entertainment provider in Puerto Rico. The communication services that Liberty provides include broadband Internet, high-definition video, advanced digital telephony and mobile services for residential and business customers. As of March 31, 2021, the company has approximately 930,200 revenue generating units (RGU) for its internet, video and telephony services, in 76 municipalities around Puerto Rico. The company also has over 1 million mobile subscribers throughout Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Business services cover end-to-end IT and communications solutions for companies of all sizes. These include enterprise-grade connectivity, data center, hosting and communication infrastructure managed solutions, plus wireline products and services. For more information, please visit  

About Liberty Latin America

Liberty Latin America is a leading communications company operating in over 20 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean under the consumer brands VTR, Flow, Liberty, Más Móvil, BTC, UTS and Cabletica. The communications and entertainment services that we offer to our residential and business customers in the region include digital video, broadband internet, telephony and mobile services. Our business products and services include enterprise-grade connectivity, data center, hosting and managed solutions, as well as information technology solutions with customers ranging from small and medium enterprises to international companies and governmental agencies. In addition, Liberty Latin America operates a sub-sea and terrestrial fiber optic cable network that connects over 40 markets in the region.

Liberty Latin America has three separate classes of common shares, which are traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the symbols “LILA” (Class A) and “LILAK” (Class C), and on the OTC link under the symbol “LILAB” (Class B). For more information, please visit

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